First use of Photoshop creating a collage.

Today was our first time experimenting with the tools Photoshop provides. With the use of many tools we were tasked to make a collage of photos of our own chosen theme. I chose to do skateboarding as I enjoy this in my free time and have seen many skateboarding collages before and took inspiration to make my own. I imported six high quality photos and then used Photoshop's large range of tools such as the magic wand tool and the magnetic lasso too. Using these tools, I was able to cut out my subjects from my imported photos and then clean up the edges with the eraser tool. Finally, I used the free transform to resize my images and the selection tool to set my images into their final collage layout. With some extra edits to background I had completed my first Photoshop collage inspired by popular skateboarding Thrasher Magazine covers.
